Thursday, June 09, 2005

How do I feel about Adrien Fenty?

Adrien Fenty announced his candidacy in a dramatic ceremony yesterday, the first one! How do I feel about him? I liked his stance on a lot of criminal justice issues earlier, and he was pretty hot during the stadium discussions, but I've heard recently that he's capitulating. Does DC really need a mayor that will be as bendable as gumby when the pressure is on? Are there any alternatives? I guess what it comes down to is that it will happen inevitably. A street sense vendor told me recently not to vote for him; he is going to collude with the developers that are planning on closing yet another homeless shelter downtown to make way for a high rise condo. My sophisticated analysis is that that shit is fucked up. Is DC really going to drive all of its poor people out? I heard LAYC is opening up an office in Langely Park, because really, how many Latino immigrants are moving into CoHi anymore? Not many...

I have been incredibly busy at work recently. I haven't been going to the workers' rights clinic, haven't been working on any person can only do so much...

My boy has been extremly unreliable recently. It brings up an important question: how soon should I give up and decide that it's not worth the effort? How can I mantain my independence and avoid being naggy at all costs, even when he is doing things that I would find annoying and inappropriate in a friend?

And what about Dean's comments...I haven't decided about him, either. Is he alienating people, or saying what is needed? Does it matter, or is it just the republican noise machine shaping the agenda again?

On to make some grants!


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