Wednesday, June 01, 2005

sorry about the absence!

I say to my imaginary blog audience...

What has happened since I've been gone?
-AI compares gitmo to gulag; bush calls it ridiculous
-deep throat reveals himself; lots of people are abuzz
-cafta is delayed one year and counting!
-yvon neptune in haiti clings to life by a thread
-freeze on military recruiting; recruiters corrupt
-LA elects Antonio Villaraigosa
-real ID act passed...scary....
-gutierrez ousted from ecuador!
-lopez obrador almost arrested, impeached, not allowed to run for president; all charges were dropped and he's going strong!

my life:
-sent off an application for witness for peace in mexico city
-working on an application to a program in brazil
-am studying for my drivers' test
-had two board meetings, one out of fucking control, the other one relatively sane
-have published two articles in the spark
-have become somewhat serious with fernando, a goofy, ditzy, but really sweet and fun guy i met at 1223, of all places
-signed up to take the lsat in october; may take a study course
-said goodbye to some friends; hello to new ones!

I haven't written largely because of my ambivalence with the whole idea of blogging, which sounds pretentious and obnoxious, but it's true. I am very busy; is blogging an effective use of my time? What does it say about our generation that the majority of blogs, including my own, are merely collections of links and other reflections of things being said by other people, and self-indulgent ramblings/"diary entries"? I don't know, and can't say I've thought about it when I haven't been blogging. It does fit into with the basic question I've been asking myself for the past year, however, which is what exactly do i want to do with myself? If I want to be a journalist, it's because I want to be telling stories that aren't told that often to people that don't hear them that often; I really do believe in community media, and even if I am writing boring stories now, it's worth it to see how excited people get about having their stories told. Thus, even if people were reading my blog, at this point i'm not injecting anything into the discourse that isn't already there. Is it enough to be written well or nominally interesting? I doubt it. Enough for whom?


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