Friday, March 04, 2005

oh yeah, i created this blog

so, a few months ago i decided it would be cool to have a blog. i was going to make many astute observations about politics, especially dc politics. this was pre-election, i was full of youthful, naive energy, the way all of us were, right? the title comes from a saul alinsky quote. oh, the folly of youth!

i have since found other outlets for my astute political opinions, which like so many others in dc, basically come down to a recitation of everyone else's tired ideas, with an earnestness i secretly hope makes up for my lack of originality. i could probably rehash like 5 common discussions here if i wanted. example:

1) what's wrong with the democrats?
answer a
from: disillusioned but still optimistic moderate
well, we have the right ideas that connect with the American people, we just need to emphasize them in terms that the American people can understand. We need to couch our beliefs in moral terms. We need to do more outreach to the common people.
answer b
from: left of moderate center politico
the democrats need to stop trying to appeal to the middle and stay strong on the issues that are important to us. we need to speak out against the war and for gay marriage. what hurt kerry wasn't that he was too far to the left, but that he wasn't bold enough to represent what those of us on the left believe in. we're never going to win over the red staters by pretending to agree with them, so we should just keep on fighting for what we do, as disagreeable as it may be.
answer c
from: anarchist/radical
there isn't really any difference between democrats or republicans. the democrats are still the ones that brought us nafta and welfare reform, still support the imperial regime Israel, etc. etc. maybe throw at least one of the following words in: fascist, corporate, conformist. fuck the government.

throw in some cheap red wine and some homemade vegetarian/vegan delicacies, maybe some soft music, maybe marvin gaye or something to be slightly ironic, and you've got the average dc dinner party. not too thrilling, but i still get my kicks from it.

i guess what im trying to say is that i'm not really going to be adding anything to any political discourse, so i'm not really going to try. besides, that idea intimidated me too much, and i thus spent several months forgetting that i had a blog.

there are some political developments that should be of note though:
a) the roper v. simmons decision--i wouldn't even qualify it as a dent in the monstrosity that is our criminal justice system, but hey, not executing 16 year olds is something that i'm happy we as a nation have decided it's beneath us to do
b) speaking of criminal justice, vinny schiraldi and mark soler's new the dc govt.'s criminal justice system might be getting reform real soon...are they ready for it?
c) adrien fenty running for mayor. he's gonna have to be a lot more moderate to win. but hey, i'll vote for him no matter what, if only to get to see his beautiful face everywhere.
d) social security/iraq; too much to say, already been said before. see above. still important to think about.
e) "cow urine touted as cure-all" don't know what that's about, just saw the title on the msn page that comes with my hotmail. probably important to someone.

a few personal observations
a) i'm getting more absentminded everyday. i just went to get water from the staff kitchen. i came back to my desk, no more water. went into the staff kitchen, saw my cup sitting there, looking abandoned and disheartened.
b) i am more like my mother every day. looking for jeans the other day, i was in a store with like 5 mirrors set up, so you can see what your body looks like from the back. not only do i have my mother's ass, but her waist, her thighs, even my face looking back at me looked like her. i have always known that i act like her, but it was sobering to realize that her genes are so pervasive in my being that i will in a few years basically be her. this scares me because i, like many neophytes in this dog eat dog world, am terrified of loneliness, which she exemplifies to me. she calls herself a misanthrope, though. i just hope i find love somewhere, preferably from other people.
c) i am bad at not obsessing over people.
d) it's 9:53. just got the following email from my boss
Meeting at 10:00 AM today with __________ if you're interested.

Sorry for late notice ...

i guess that about wraps this up!
peace in the middle east.


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