Friday, March 04, 2005

on craigslist and macchiatos.

What is it about craigslist's rants and raves that is so addictive? Every time I read it I hate humanity a little more. It makes me hate everyone i pass on the street, thinking that it might be them that posted the "i hate fat girls" post (well, one out of the 50 of that kind posted every day). I like to hide behind the "I like to read it to see what people are really thinking when they can hide behind an anonymous posting board" excuse, but really, I think if I really thought about why I like reading it, I'd be disturbed.

Why is it so hard to make an appointment to get a bikini wax? I don't like to have to plan farther in advance than 2 days. Jeez.

Also, why is it that whenever I order a macchiato in a non-starbucks cafe such as tryst or sparky's, they always make a big deal about explaining to me what a macchiato is?? "Oh, you know that a macchiato just has espresso and foam, right? It's not like the ones at starbucks." Well, just because I look like a fucking yuppy doesn't mean that I go to starbucks! Jeez again.

Want to know what's sad? When the day is going verrrrrrrry slowly, I live to see the little envelope on my computer. Sometimes I won't open an e-mail just so that it can stay there longer.

The DC Independent Film Festival has started! Too bad it is expensive, but I think worth shelling out for. The only problem is, there's so much going on, I'm only going to be able to choose a few things! How will I know?? What agony. What will happen if I end up paying money for a film that I DON'T LIKE??????


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