Thursday, June 16, 2005

Why is ANSWER so lame?

For some unknown reason, I am on ANSWER's mailing list. I got this email today:

"Formation of September 24 National Coalitionfor the March on Washington DC
All Out to Stop the War in Iraq -Bring the Troops Home Now!
End Colonial Occupationfrom Iraq to Haiti to Palestine and Everywhere
On September 24, we will show the deepening opposition that is leading to the political isolation of the warmakers. As during the Vietnam War era, the people of the United States from all communities are actively entering the political process through the mobilizing efforts of a genuinely broad and mass antiwar movement.
(blah blah blah)
September 24 is a day when people from all over the country will be joining together to speak with one voice against war and racism. Marching together we will show the growing power of the antiwar movement. Join us in spreading the word in the weeks and months ahead."

Um, growing power? Not if all you're doing is organizing marches to end all "colonial occupation". I'm all for ending colonial occupation, especially in Haiti, Iraq, and Palestine, but I'm not sure how these random protests that everyone else ignores are doing anything. I think the most promising anti-war activism I've seen these days takes the form of local protests of military recruiting and public education about the lies recruiters tell. It may not be stopping the war, but it is keeping at least some kids from dying needlessly.

Funny how I've changed since the RNC protest, which I felt was really meaningful. That was at least cathartic, seeing all of those people out in the streets to protest Bush. At least we felt like we had a chance.


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