Monday, July 11, 2005

Turbulence as a creative gift and not a pathological distraction...

Today I looked at my Free Will horoscope with the thought that no matter what it said, it would apply to my recent life-changing decision. No, I'm not one of those people that gets validation from horoscopes, but the wonderful thing about horoscopes is that they can be reflection of what you are already thinking, or they can be completely unrelated, but in the process of recognizing that this piece of supposedly relevant information is irrelevant can remind you of what you think is important. That being said, here is my (and all other Aquarius') horoscope:

Please repeat the following affirmation, first articulated by poet Robert Frost: "I am not confused. I am just well mixed." Say it aloud at least ten times a day for the next week. It will help you put a positive spin on certain events that might otherwise throw you off balance. Your next medicinal sound bite comes from playwright W.S. Gilbert: "I am rich in never-ending unrest." This one will encourage you to regard your turbulence as a creative gift, not a pathological distraction.

Okay, affirmations are in place.


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