Wednesday, June 29, 2005

DC can change moods quickly, part 2.

Coexisting with such a number of people, all occupying different planes on this shared reality, all with varying grasps of said reality, is fascinating and trying, but most of the time, it's just hilarious. For instance, take this morning: on the bus, I was amused by simultaneously watching a man with a cane explain how the state coins came about to the bus driver and the meaning of "Starbuck" in Moby Dick to a fellow passenger;and discussing prospects for marriage with my seatmate who told me that he could marry me today, if I wanted to go to city hall. I respectfully declined. Getting off the bus, I encountered a handful of leaning men, that is, men leaning on the wall, talking. These were the same men that had told me, "We need to start a revolution!" the morning of the election. Today's subject: women's asses. "See, she's got an ass, for a white girl," one of them said, which prompted a lively debate on whether or not I was white or "Puerto Rican or something". Then, and I am just adding this, the best part: a tiny, tiny man (definitely less than five feet tall) literally kneeled down before the Dove poster on the bus stop. Have you seen their new ad campaign, the Campaign for Real Beauty or whatever? I always have a two-pronged reaction to it. First, I'm excited to see people that look like me on posters, but then, I'm kind of sad that it's for a special ad campaign that is basically congratulating itself for putting non-thin people up there, especially an ad for skin firming lotion. But I digress. The man kneeled down before it, saying, "What a peach! What a peach!" to no one in particular. (The funny thing was, I couldn't tell if he was saying peach or saying "bitch" with an accent "beetch", because it kind of sounded like beach. Which is funnier?)

I would try to make scathing remarks about Bush's speech last night, but really, it just makes sad. Sad that he has such little respect for the people dying for his stupid policies to even offer any form of reason, other than just repeating that it's all about 9-11, as if that were the original rationale, as if that were at all valid, and as if the only way to convince people that a failing policy is a success is to act as if they don't know anything at all. I also think it's interesting how Iraq becoming a breeding ground for terrorists was the centerpiece of his speech: is he claiming that this is happening just randomly, that our policies have nothing to do with it? Oh, right, I forgot, they all subscribe to an ideology that "hates freedom", so of course the logical thing is to a) go to Iraq and b) become a terrorist. Right.


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