Thursday, July 28, 2005

Pop culture trends I will continue to resist.

1.) IPods. I do not like the effect they have on people, especially commuters, although I secretly covet one. It seems rude to have one in Nica, though.
2.) Sex and the City. While I have actually seen a few episodes recently at the gym, I cringe everytime a woman I like and respect slips a reference into a conversation. I have so many issues with the show, I don't even want to start.
3.) Harry Potter. This is mostly out of laziness and stubborness, as I don't have any problem with the books or with reading them. It's just at this point, I'd have to start from the beginning, and given my stack of books on trade policy, Nicaraguan politics, etc., I can't see it as a top priority. Let's just say I feel really out of the loop when people talk about it.
4.) Gaucho pants. I actually thought they were cute at first, but they became so ubiquitous that even I, who has about 200000000 of those "tiered" skirts, cannot break down and buy them. I do think people's asses look good in them, though, which is tempting.


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